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发布时间:2024-10-13 17:48人气:
本文摘要:Four months after the historic first-ever detection of gravitational waves, scientists said they have directly detected another gravitational wave washing over the Earth.在引力波历史性的首次检测到四个月之后,科学家们近日回应,他们必要观测到另一个引力波正在席卷全球。

Four months after the historic first-ever detection of gravitational waves, scientists said they have directly detected another gravitational wave washing over the Earth.在引力波历史性的首次检测到四个月之后,科学家们近日回应,他们必要观测到另一个引力波正在席卷全球。The gravitational waves, ripples in the fabric of spacetime, were observed for a second time on Dec. 26, 2015, at 03:38:53 UTC, scientists said at a press conference during the American Astronomical Society conference in San Diego, California.科学家在加利福尼亚州圣地亚哥举办的美国天文学不会会议的新闻发布会商回应,他们于2015年12月26日再度观测到了“时空结构中的涟漪”--引力波。

Scientists said that the incredibly faint ripple that eventually reached Earth was the result of the spinning dance of a binary black hole pair on the brink of merging, although this duo weighed only 8 and 14 solar masses.科学家回应,此次最后抵达地球的引力波十分黯淡,它是由两个二进制黑洞互相绕转边缘分立引发的,尽管这两个黑洞的质量分别仅有相等于8个和14个太阳质量。Their merger produced a single, more massive spinning black hole that is 21 times the mass of the sun, and transformed an additional suns worth of mass into gravitational energy, they said.它们的分立产生了一个总质量为21个太阳质量、更为极大的转动黑洞,并将额外的1个太阳质量的能量转化成引力能。

The scientists detected the gravitational waves using the twin Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) interferometers, located in Livingston, Louisiana, and Hanford, Washington.科学家通过激光干预引力波天文台在路易斯安那州和华盛顿州的两个干涉仪观测到了此次的引力波。In contrast, LIGOs historic first detection on Sept. 14, 2015 resulted from a merger of two black holes 36 and 29 times the mass of the sun.相比之下,于2015年9月14日首次观测到的引力波,是由两个29倍及36倍太阳质量的黑洞拆分构成的。It confirmed a major prediction of Albert Einsteins 1915 general theory of relativity and marked the beginning of the new field of gravitational wave astronomy.引力波的找到,证实了阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦1915年明确提出的个广义相对论的根本性预测,标志着引力波天文学新领域的开端。



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