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浙江大学首届城乡发展国际论坛 | “开放社区与小尺度街区”暨建筑规划学科院长论坛【aifa官方入口】

发布时间:2024-09-15 17:48人气:

概要:浙江大学首届城乡发展国际论坛“对外开放社区与小尺度街区”论坛于2016年6月27日在中国杭州浙江大学·欲是报告厅开会。浙江大学首届城乡发展国际论坛1st Zhejiang University International Dialogueon Urban Rural Developmen 2016年6月27日 中国·杭州国际论坛“对外开放社区与小尺度街区”暨建筑规划学科院长论坛“Accessible Community Fine-grain Urban Block”Deans Symposium on Architecture Planning Education在过去的30多年中,中国经历了人类有史以来仅次于的城市化发展进程。


In the past 30 years, China has experienced its largest urbanization development process through the so-called“big and rapid”gesture. However, challenges always comes with achievements. One urgent challenge could be how to deal with gated communities and oversized blocks in China. For the next step of China’s development, it will be an important task for us to find out solutions for improving the current built environment in a user-friendly and cultural-identity-oriented way.在2016年2月6日,由中共中央国务院印发的《关于更进一步强化城市规划建设管理工作的若干意见》中,明确提出了“较宽马路、契路网”,推展街区制为和对外开放社区。同年,在3月28日,住建部也公布了《全面积极开展城市设计工作》的文件,特别强调要积极开展更加对外开放、更加合理的城市更新和设计。On February 6th, 2016, the idea of “narrow streets and dense road networks”that encourages fine-grain urban block and accessible community were announced by CPC Central Committee and State Council on further strengthen urban planning construction. On March 28th, MoHURD of China also issued an document on fully carry out urban design work that emphasizes on an open, sustainable and adjustable result.因此,我们建议以此为契机,在2016年6月27日,于浙江大学举行大型国际学术论坛。

预计,全球顶尖专家、规划设计界精英、领导政要以及注目城乡发展问题的各界学者将在本次论坛上辨析趋势、交流思想,从国际的视野与国内的视角共享对对外开放社区和小尺度街区的研究、教育和实践中,为城市化发展获取更佳的科学依据。In this sense, we propose to take this as an opportunity to throw an international symposium in this June. Therefore, this event will invite experts from all related fields including architect, urban planner, government official, developer, and educator together to share their experiences and visions about the development of communities and the transformation of urban blocks in China.论坛·嘉宾 论坛嘉宾时间·地点时间 | DATE2016.6.278:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.地点 | ADDRESS浙江大学紫金港校区欲是报告厅(圆于是以·启真酒店内)Qiushi Hall, Zhejiang University(Yuanzheng·Qizhen Hotel)的组织·机构主办单位 | ORGANIZER浙江大学建筑与城市发展国际研究中心International Center for Architecture Urban Development Studies,Zhejiang University主办机构 | CO-ORGANIZER中国建筑学会建筑策划专委会Architectural Programming Associationof Architectural Sociiety of China浙江大学建筑与规划学科产学研联盟ZAP,Zhejiang University浙江大学建筑工程学院College Of Civil Engineering And Architecture, Zhejiang University 浙江大学建筑设计研究院Architectural Design and Research Institute of Zhejiang University学术刊物反对| ACADEMIC JOURNAL《FUTURE》 《住区》Community Design AC《建筑创作》ArchiCreation 甄选·方式宽按扫瞄以下二维码参予免费甄选 Scan QR Code in image to register 二维码 名额有限 欲报责成 (甄选有效地证实以接到官方恢复不尽相同) (RSVP) 2016年6月27日 浙江大学·欲是报告厅 青睐国内外各界同仁参与,共襄盛举! (详尽论坛信息请求闻先前通报) June 27th, 2016 Qiushi Hall, Zhejiang University Welcome all fields of colleaguesto attend!。



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